8 year old girl from Mexico invents solar powered water heater

Kids Lifestyle Living green

Innovation comes from all ages, and this is further seen in the story of Xóchitl Guadalupe Cruz, an eight-year-old girl from Chiapas, Mexico who invented an entirely solar-powered device for heating water. The impact her invention could have on others around the world is immense, and this has inspired the UNAM’s (National Autonomous University of Mexico) Institute of Nuclear Sciences to award her.

To those in developed countries, her invention may not seem all that revolutionary as access to warm or hot water is commonplace, but for those in many other areas of the world, including her town in Mexico, this would be a luxury.

Cruz’s device was inspired by the desire to reduce deforestation and pollution by replacing the need to cut logs for heating water, which is the primary method used in her part of the world. Cruz furthers her commitment to environmentally sound practices by utilizing recycled materials to build her device.



Ella es 👧🏽 Xóchitl Guadalupe Cruz López, tiene 8 años y ganó el Premio 🥇 de Ciencia Nuclear de la @UNAM_MX, al crear su propio calentador de agua 🚿

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The Cruz family has already installed their daughter’s invention on the roof of their home in Mexico. They now enjoy warm water that can be used for anything from cooking to bathing. Her solar-powered invention has the potential to improve the quality of life for millions around the world who still rely on wood as the primary source of fuel for heating water.

Courtesy of Collective Evolution

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